Monthly Archives: August 2023

😷 Covid-19 “Not Dead Yet”

🦠 Info and updates for friends and Loved Ones. It’s August 2023. At this writing, we’ve had 1,137,742 deaths (USA only). The good news: Though we, and our world, have changed, most of us are experiencing a return to “normal”. I haven’t felt compelled to provide a Covid Update for over a year!

There appears to be a “summer surge”. Do you know someone who has recently gotten sick with “the Covid“? Hospitalizations are up about 14% this month. Hopefully with all the smart people who have been vaccinated and everyone who has already been sick, this will not be a big return to the horrors of the pandemic.

You know what to do. In the words of the late, great, Douglas Adams, “Don’t Panic!” Pay attention. If qualified, get a vaccine booster or update. If you haven’t been vaccinated, think about it.

If you’re sick, or concerned about being around a lot of people, wear a mask. And…

Track, Test, and Treat. This Times article covers it all, and has links to the appropriate CDC pages:

Covid Didn’t Take A Summer Vacation“, New York Times, Aug. 20, 2023

So there you have it, stay healthy, talk to your friends and neighbors, seek peace, practice T’ai Chi,

— Christo